October 29, 2016Gallerybhapura, dudu, entrepreneurship, environmentconservation, fieldwork, grassroots, groundwork, kaushalamfoundation, lapodia, lapodiya, laporia, laporiya, modelvillage, nonprofitorganization, skill, skilldevelopment, socialentrepreneurship, socialwork, village, villageleve, VLEkaushalam Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Google Plus Share Share on LinkedIn Share Kaushalam Foundation’s Gramodhyami Initiative- Organized exposure visit for trainees Kaushalam Foundation’s Gramodhyami Initiative- Organized exposure visit for trainees Sangram Singh Ji explaining Chauka system to students Trainees interacting with locals of Laporiya to understand the issues faced by them and the solutions adopted Trainees interacting with locals of Laporiya to understand the issues faced by them and the solutions adopted Trainees at open bird house(khula chidiyagarh) developed by GVNML in Laporiya village Kaushalam Foundation's trainees with the grassroots soldier of Laporiya - Lakshman Singh Ji The Group understands working of a solar powered bulb at Barefoot Collaege Campus, Tiloniya, Ajmer Solar Mama (Women solar engineer) testing the components during workshop at Tiloniya Pokarmal ji from Tiloniya explains the process adopted to recharge the massive 500000 ltr underground tank through rain water Trainees appear joyous while filing reflection forms